
Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Whiplash

St. Peters chiropractor helps with whiplash injuries.jpgSt. Peters chiropractor Dr. Quinn James has successfully treated hundreds of patients with whiplash, which is the most common car accident injury in America. More than 3 million people report suffering it every year. But because not every case results from a car accident, and because the injury tends to have a notoriously late onset, there are likely millions more people suffering from the resulting neck pain, headaches, etc. The good news is that chiropractic care enables people to fully heal from this painful neck injury.

Did Your Whiplash Trigger an Existing Neck Pain Injury?

Whiplash occurs when the head and body are suddenly yanked in different directions; and the damage can happen at speeds as low as 5 mph! It can happen because of a cars accident, during sports participation or even on roller coasters. When this happens, the neck vertebrae are suddenly snapped into unnatural positions and the vulnerable supporting tissues of muscles, tendons and ligaments are strained. Nerves are pinched, causing neck pain, back pain, headaches and other symptoms. Unfortunately, this neck injury often takes a few hours, days or even longer before manifesting symptoms, which can make it hard to diagnose. We see many patients suffering from these problems, and we sometimes discover that they suffered a neck injury in the past.

The good news, however, is that the suffering does not have to continue. Dr. James is especially certified to diagnose and treat these neck injuries. After careful diagnosis, he can apply precise cervical spinal adjustments to restore the neck to a healthy alignment and release pinched nerves. He also treats the injured soft tissues around the vertebrae with various physiotherapy and natural pain relief methods that retrain and re-strengthen those muscles. A treatment plan is tailored specifically for each individual so that there is natural healing from the inside-out.

Were you ever in a low-speed accident that jarred your neck? How did you feel afterward? Do you still suffer from neck problems? If so, call us! We can help.


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